2020: Virtual Conference


The 29th symposion of the Jura Soyfer Society is planned as a virtual conference plus a virtual consultation of the members of the Jura Soyfer Society, plus virtual presentations of art projects, plus a virtual city walk. The intended structure. Suggestions should be sent to arlt@soyfer.at

At the heart of the event is the question of which publics are possible for Jura Soyfer in times of pandemics. In this context, there will be a basic text on National Socialism’s handling of epidemics and the treatment of the pandemic by today’s states.

New will be the public for Jura Soyfer in Simmering. Until now, the symposia at the Jura Soyfer Zentrum were real events. Some of them were associated with virtual presentations. Since 2020, the aim has been to create a virtual public in a new way. – Originally, the examples of the city projects, as Tobias Sosinka realized in an excellent way in Memmingen, Kempten, Göttingen, were based on this context. Now we are talking about new digital attentions beyond the well-known digital surveillance bodies.

In addition to a regional audience, the expansion of the homepage of the Jura Soyfer Society in German, Arabic, English and French is aimed at an audience of millions. In particular, Ass.Prof.in Dr.in Rania Elwardy (Cairo) has done an excellent job with translations, scientific essays, interviews, artistic projects, a virtual North African conference on Soyfer.

The expansion of the homepage is also in the context of virtual school and university education in a variety of countries. Special modules are to be developed that enable students to get an idea of themselves, even their texts, their projects.

Furthermore, there are artists who are invited to present their film, theatre, music and comic projects, etc. Texts are requested from scientists, which are also to be published in advance.

A virtual city walk was also proposed, which was specially designed for this symposion.

Implementation is also new. So far, the symposia have been presented. The contributions (links, texts, images, films etc.) has to be send before the symposion. At the symposion the contributions will be discussed. Registration for the participation is requested to: arlt@soyfer.at The submission of the contributions (links to own homepages, materials that shall be published on the homepage of the Jura Soyfer Gesellschaft) must be made by agreement in such a way that at least one week is left for the participants to study them in advance.

For participation via Skype at the symposion itself, a link will be sent to the participants. No software is required to be installed. Advice is provided in sections that last half a day. The documentation is then published as part of the homepage. The technical implementation and moderation was taken over by the web master of the Jura Soyfer Gesellschaft, Prof. Martin Auer.

The languages of the symposion are German and English.


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