2022: Abstract: Cultures of Remembrance and Jura Soyfer

Cultures of Remembrance and Jura Soyfer | Culture of Remembrance and Jura Soyfer

Especially in today’s world, in which forms of anti-Semitism are increasing worldwide and Jews are increasingly exposed to exclusion and attack – while anti-vaccinationists put the Star of David on their jackets and thus instrumentalize the persecution of Jews and the Holocaust – it is more necessary than ever to critically deal with the past and to counteract forgetting, suppression and silence.

But it is not just a question of coming to terms with the persecution of the Jews: the current debates about restitution and black life matters are also an expression of a culture of remembrance that is committed to ensuring that the tragedies of history are not forgotten and do not repeat themselves. In this respect, „culture of remembrance“ should be understood as a generic term for all forms of conscious remembrance of historical events, personalities, events and processes in all their possibilities of representation.

Jura Soyfer’s life and works in particular provide motifs, themes and categories in order to address the various tragedies of history and to reflect on the prerequisites and ways of living together in a humane coexistence in a postcolonial and post-imperial global world.