Festić, Fatima

Festić, Fatima, Univ.Prof.in Dr.in (Los Angeles)

Fatima Festić worked as a Professor, Lecturer, and Research Fellow at various universities in the USA (in Los Angeles, New York, Michigan, Chicago), Western and Eastern Europe, South Africa, and Turkey. Her current larger-scale project at the University of Amsterdam is focused on developing a theory of post-diasporic societal dispersion and inter-art translation. Festić is a member of Executive Bords and Research Committees of key International, European, and American scientific associations for the study of semiotics, cultures, literatures, and politics, and a Permanent Fellow of the International Communicology Institute (D.C.).

Publications include around 60 peer-reviewed articles and chapters pertaining to literary and cultural studies, semiotics, gender, and psychoanalytic and (post)feminist theory and criticism, and the books Responsiveness to Comparison in Literature (2022), Gender and Trauma: Interdisciplinary Dialogues (2012), The Body of the Postmodernist Narrator (2009), Constructions of Victimhood in Contemporary Cultures (2009). Forthcoming is the book on Body, Mediality, Hi/Story (2025).

Email: F.Festic@uva.nl
