Jura Soyfer

Performance-, broadcasting- and translation-



Performance, broadcasting and translation rights of Soyfer texts for all languages and all countries witht:

Jura Soyfer Gesellschaft
Altes Rathaus, Wipplingerstrasse 8, 1010 Wien
Email: arlt@soyfer.at
Homepage: http://www.soyfer.at/
Tel: ++ 43/1/7481633/11

Inquiry for schools and amateurs:

Deutscher Theaterverlag
Weinheim, Carl-Benz Strasse 10, Hirschberg
D-69493 Weinheim
Homepage: http://www.dtver.de/de/?fact=sh_autor_this&au_id=192
Frau Gabriele Barth
Tel: ++ 49/6201/51-61
FAX: ++ 49/6201/507082

Sheet music for Soyfer songs are available at the Thomas Sessler Publisher. All rights for these scoring at:

Thomas Sessler Verlag
Wien-München, Johannesgasse 12, A-1010 Wien
Homepage: http://www.sesslerverlag.at/
Tel: ++ 43/1/512 32 84-85
FAX: ++ 43/1/513 39 07

Copyright of text, pictures (unless otherwise stated), layout of the homepage www.soyfer.at reserved by Jura Soyfer Gesellschaft, Altes Rathaus, Wipplingerstraße 8, 1010 Wien. Any reproduction without the express written permission – in particular by copying, printing, photocopying with electronic systems, etc. is not permitted.


© JSG 2008