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Translations* |
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Aserbaijanian | Jura Soyfer: "Vineta". Translation and introduction: Vilayet Hajiyev. In: "Chasar for world literature“. Journal of the Aserbaijanian Writer Society. Baku, Nr. 1/2007. | |||
Bulgarian | Ot raja do kraja na sveta. ["Lechner Edi", "Vineta", "Astoria", "The end of the world"], Translation: Anna Dimova and Penka Angelova. Pic-Verlag, Bibliotheca Austriaca: Veliko Tirnovo [Tarnovo] 1996. | |||
English | The Legacy of Jura Soyfer 1912–1939. Poems, Prose and Plays of an Austrian Antifascist, edition and translation by Horst Jarka, Montréal : Engendra Press 1977. "It's Up to Us!" Works of Jura Soyfer, edition and translation by Horst Jarka, Riverside, California: Ariadne Press, 1994. |
French | Soyfer, Jura, Astoria suivi de La Fin du Monde. Deux pièces traduites par Gilbert Badia précédées de . Introduction de Gilbert Badia et de Félix Kreissler, Publications de l'Université de Rouen 1982. Soyfer, Jura, Vineta – La ville engloutie. Astoria, traduction Gilbert Badia, introduction de Jean-Marie Winkler, Publications de l'Université de Rouen 1992. |
Georgian | Jura Soyfer: Selected Works. Coordination: Mzia Galdavadze. Editors: Dali Pandshikidze, Nana Gogolaschwili. Tbilissi 2005. ISBN 99940-23-85-w | |||
Hindi | Soyfer, Jura, [Columbus or Broadway-Melodie 1492]. Translation: Amrit Metha. New Delhi: Krishna Publishers, 1996. | |||
Italian | Jura Soyfer, Strofe del Tempo. Zeitstrophen. Translations: Fabrizio Cambi and Primus-Heinz Kucher. Introduction: Primus-Heinz Kucher, Pisa: Giardini editori e stampatori 1983. Jura Soyfer, Così morì un partito. Translation: Eugenio Spedicato, Casale Monferrato: Casa Editrice Marietti 1988. Masi Laura, Satira, illusione e premonizione nel teatro cabaret di Jura Soyfer. Traduzione di cinque pièces teatrali (La Fine del Mondo, Lechner-Edi, Astoria, Vineta, Melodia di Broadway 1492), Dissertation, University Florence 1991 (on the way to print). Jura Soyfer, Ciminiere Fredde. Prose Giornalistiche e Teatrali a cura di S. Bartoli, F. Cambi, P.-H. Kucher, A. Vignazia. Pleiadi 1994. |
Romanian | Jura Soyfer, Astfel a murit un partid. Translation, introduction and chronical tabel: Elena Viorel, Cluj-Napoca 1996. | |||
Russian | Jura Soyfer, Konyets Svyeta ("The end of the world"). Plays ("Astoria", "Vineta", "The end of the world"), novel (“Thus died a party”), essay ("François Villon"); editor, comments, introduction: Alexandr W. Belobratow; translations: Irina Alexejewa, Alexandr W. Belobratow, Wladimir Fadejew, Jelena Krepak. | |||
Serbian | Jura Zojfer: Vineta (Potonuli grad). Pozorišni komad. Propast Sveta (“Svet niukom slučaju neće još dugo postojati...“ [“The end of the world”]. Astorija. Novi Sad 1997. Translation: Branko Andrić. | |||
Spanish | Jura Soyfer, Melodía Americana 1492. Translation and introduction: Alfredo Bauer, Buenos Aires 1991. Soyfer, Jura, Astoria. Translation: Katharina Fimmel und Leon Marín. Thomas Sessler Verlag, Wien o.J. |
Tadshik | Jura Soyfer, Astorija. In: Fonus, journal Nr. 8. Ziodullo Shahidi International Cultural Foundation. Duschanbe, September 2007. | |||
Czech | Jura Soyfer, Astorie. Vineta. Editors: Herbert Arlt and Ludvik Kavin. Translation into Czechian language: Miroslava Houska. Introduction: Herbert Arlt (Translation: Ludvik Kavín), Brno 1993. | |||
Turk | Jura Soyfer: Batik Kent Vineta (Sahne ve Radyo Oyunu). Dünyanin Sonu (Sahne Oyunu). Ilya: Izmir 2002. Translation (“The end of the world”, “Vineta”): Gertrude Durusoy. | |||
Ukrainian | Jura Soyfer, Astoria ta insi istorii (Astoria and other stories). Editor and translator: Peter Rychlo, Czernowitz 1996. | |||
Hungarian | Jura Soyfer, Drámák. Editor and translator: Tamás Lichtmann ("The end of the world", "Astoria", "Vineta"). Published by the Institute of Germanistik at the Lajos-Kossuth-University Debrecen, 1996. |
Uzbek | Astoria. In: "Jahon Adabiyot" (Journal "World Literature") Nr. 2, Tashkent 2008. Translation: Mirpulot Mirzoev and Dinora Azimova. | |||
*This list does not contain the translation into Arabic (Aleya Khattab, Cairo), Armenian (Karlen Matinjan, Jerewan), Balkarian (Raschid Alikajew, Naltschik), Chinese (Wu Xiaoqiao, Beijing), Gohm’ala (David Simo, Yaounde), Japan (Kotaro Isozaki), Kabardinian (Raschid Alikajew, Naltschik), Kazakh (Schalingbayeva Raichan), Kyrgyz (Chinarabubu Tuleeva), Corian (Han-Soon Yim), Ossetian (Arkadij Zoloev), Persian (Nariman Hodjati), Slovenian (Katja Sturm-Schnabl), because the manuscripts or prints did not arrive at the archive of the Jura Soyfer Society up to now. Also the translation into Hebrew (Dan Pagis+; his translation of “Broadway-Melodie 1492” could not be found until now) is not listed here. Translations in other languages such as Norwegian, Portuguese, Polish, Slovakian a.o. are in preparation. A lot of other translations were published since the 30s of the 20th century in newspapers, journals (for example “New Writing”, London), in Italy, Switzerland and other countries. They will be listed later on. |
INDEX | © JSG 2008 |